Sunday, February 25, 2007

Syonanto Justice

Lets arrange Singapore in the best possible way.
Only chinese area under WP - West
Eurasions & caucasions under PAP - South central
Malays area under SDP - East
Indians area under SDA - North East
Open to all area under Blue Demon - North Central
I will take office at the Grand Central taking over all the major bodies like the LTA, URA, PSA, ICA, CAAS, NTUC, TCS, SP, MOM, MOE, MOH, MAS and the list goes on and on until im satisfied. LKY will be fed to the lions at the Singapore Zoological Gardens for the Extream Faces of Death series of World Justice. The Nokia Universal Translator will be mass-produced & sold all over the world. New young humble leaders will take offices all over this God-damned world. No more poverty and injustice in this world. America will totally ban all arms from the unauthorised public and no one is to be hanged or executed for any crime or punishments. All muslims will abandone islam and all its unlawful practices. We will make this world a happy place for all to live in. And embrace the Lord, our almighty father who arc in heaven. Sunokami. The creator of this universe. And believe me wen i pledge tat we will come out wif a cure for cancer & HIV.
Meanwhile i will fullfill all my entreprenal ideas and fantasies to reality and have the time of my life.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Nokia Universal Translator (NUT)

Imagine if they had hps tat cud do translations.
Just input text and translate it to any language text or audio.
This way there wud be no such thing as a language barrier anymore.
At the same time everyone wud be learning languages in a jiffy as well. Haha. Brilliant isn't it?
Jack: Hi hi
Jerry: hi
Jerry: hey imagine if yr mobile phone cud read out text
Jerry: highlight the text and it wud read it out
Jerry: cool rite?
Jerry: do u sms in thai text over there?
Jack: yes
Jerry: wow tats cool
Jerry: imagine if they had a mobile tat cud translate any languages u wish to
Jack: Oh, that's miracle
Jerry: supposing if a german wer to sms u in german or u received an arabic text from a biz counterpart from dubai
Jack: how can u do that.
Jack: if you can it must be very interesting
Jerry: all u need to do is highlight or select all the text and click on its language from the available languages and it would translate all into yr own required text
Jack: Maybe in the near future, there will be the service like that
Jerry: and it cud even read out the text too
Jerry: this way there wud be no language barrier at all
Jerry: and soon everyone will be learning each others languages by heart and everyone wud start becoming multi-lingual in no time
Jack: cool
Jerry: wow den we wud be more employable and able to open up ourselves to more opportunities and horizons
Jerry: communication wud be a breeze
Jerry: supposing u wish to go to hong kong, just buy the cantonese language mobile translator kit for yr mobile and u r all set
Jerry: soon u will be speaking it without using the mobile
Jack: what make you think about that kind of thing
Jerry: coz i dun noe mandarin tats y
Jerry: jobs here require mandarin
Jack: which language do you speak?
Jerry: english, nepali and some malay
Jerry: hey u tink this idea is brilliant?
Jack: yes, it is
Jack: but very difficult to be
Jerry: y does anyone have to pay so much $$$ to learn a foreign language for biz or anything?
Jerry: nokia and mobile phone companies can do it anytime
Jerry: and it wud be so much fun everyone wud start using it
Jerry: it wud den become a neccessity
Jerry: and wireless global communition wud be the ultimate revolution around the world
Jerry: brilliant isn't it?
Jerry: they should have done it long ago but dun noe y they have not
Jack: u r brilliant too.
Jerry: wow i can't imagine myself speaking in fluent japanese or cantonese or even thai one day
Jerry: haha den i wud go to thailand and impress all the cutest thai guys there,haha
Jerry: tourism and global biz wud surely boom if they do it
Jerry: and life wud be so much more fun and interesting this way
Jerry: and of course happier and enriching too
Jack: i think so

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Jerry's Winter Cafe

KC : how's yr week?
Jerry : ok la
Jerry : do u noe how to register a biz?
KC : nope...u keen?
Jerry : i wan to start a cafe biz but i dun noe how to go abt it
KC : do some research lo
KC : what kind of food, where?
Jerry : i dun even noe how much capital is required
Jerry : simple pasta and western food
KC : have u been thinking abt this for long?
Jerry : i have many ideas lor
Jerry : this is just one of them
Jerry : i even plan to start an ice-cream biz
KC : must have lotsa $$
Jerry : i'll import ice-creams from all over the world and sell it ard my cafe
Jerry : how much do u noe?
KC : hehe
KC : l like ice-cream, that's all ;P
Jerry : i'll name it "winter cafe"
Jerry : i will have all the flavors
KC : sound corny!
Jerry : anything u wan, i will have it there
KC : haha
KC : so ambitious
Jerry : hey wat abt waffles?
Jerry : u like waffles?
KC : yeah
KC : i like cream
Jerry : i'll have a diy waffles machine there
KC : what else?
Jerry : u choose the flavor and make it yrself
KC : u need some skill lor
Jerry : i'll have diy machinery instead of staffs
Jerry : i need to employ engineer to run it instead
KC : sounds like factory
Jerry : it will be programmed to do certain things for different foods
Jerry : yeah tats wat makes it very interesting and unique
Jerry : sort of like charlie's chocolate factory
Jerry : u see how it is made, nothing is hidden or secret
Jerry : totally transparent & genuine
Jerry : satisfaction guaranteed, haha
Jerry : wat do u tink?
Jerry : Jerry's Winter Cafe
KC : i want a lemon sorbet
Jerry : sure u will choose one of my machines to do it for u
KC : with strawberry filling
Jerry : i will have 3 machines, one for waffles, one for ice-creams and another for drinks
KC : why not all in one machine?
Jerry : sure den u will have to enter $$$ into the ice-cream machine and direct it how u wan it
Jerry : coz there wud be heavy traffic lor
KC : will it be user-friendly?
Jerry : there'll be engineers there 24hrs
KC : guy engineers?
Jerry : i'll be the next willy wonka den
KC : will they be sexy?
Jerry : mayb i'll employ ite or poly grads
Jerry : boys or girls la
Jerry : up to them la, it not abt them, it abt the cafe
Jerry : the cafe itself will be brightly lighted and icy cool
KC : if it's sexy men, i'll go
Jerry : nah, i won't be selfish just for yr needs
Jerry : its for everyone remember, there'll be more kids than adults
Jerry : so how u like my idea?
KC : so there'll be an adult corner?
Jerry : just a cool bright room wif my machines, tats all
KC : ok
Jerry : the engineers will appear onli if the machines happen to mal-function or something
KC : how will they know?
KC : i'm feeling lousy
Jerry : i intend to have this cafe on the ground level of a shopping mall facing the outside
KC says:and your cafe is cheering me up
KC says:i want to go
KC says:al fresco?
Jerry : so tat way it can be opened 24hrs
Jerry : wow i just made this up u noe
Jerry : haha wow i can't believe it myself, haha
KC : i can
Jerry : sounds like a geniusplan
KC : yes it is
KC : can i ask u something crazy?
Jerry : the day Jerry's Winter Cafe hits the shopping malls of Singapore, i'll be famous,haha
Jerry : yes wat is it?
KC : do u want to have phone sex?!
Jerry : nah im having a slight headache actualli
KC : me too
Jerry : ok la nice chatting wif u den
KC : pardon the question, i'm just feeling a bit down
Jerry : hope u will patronise my cafe wen it hits the malls someday
KC : i will, no problem
KC : i will wait
Jerry : there'll surely be lots of kids & teens there
Jerry : hot spot for padofilles like yrself, haha
KC : how u know?
Jerry : its so obvious rite?
Jerry : y else wud u be keen on me den?
KC : u r paedophile too
KC : u r not a teen
Jerry : yea but i look like a teen wat
Jerry : dun i?
KC : no la
Jerry : i do la, everyone says i look 18,19yo
KC : and who said i like u?
KC says:
Jerry : den y u wan to have phonesex wif me den?
KC : i'm just feeling down
KC : and my bf's alseep
Jerry : 2 timer u
KC : i'm not
Jerry : take panadol and go and hug yr bf and sleep la
Jerry : and dream abt my cafe
KC : no
KC : i want to run naked down the street
Jerry : which street?
Jerry : wait u get arrested and sent to woodbridge
KC : bukit timah
Jerry : den u surely will
Jerry : 10 police cars will come after u wif reporters

Friday, February 02, 2007

Howl's Moving Castle

This is the best oscar adult animation ever made.
A classic.

Everything from the visual graphics to the characters and music.

Main characters in the film:
Howl, Old & Young Sophie, Calcifer, Mark, Turnip, Witch of the waste, Suliman, Heen, Sophie's mother

Hey There!! Welcome to 2007!!!

Just recovered my username & created a new password.
And im back for more revolutionery postings, reviews and cool ideas.
Stay tuned folks :)