Saturday, February 03, 2007

Jerry's Winter Cafe

KC : how's yr week?
Jerry : ok la
Jerry : do u noe how to register a biz?
KC : nope...u keen?
Jerry : i wan to start a cafe biz but i dun noe how to go abt it
KC : do some research lo
KC : what kind of food, where?
Jerry : i dun even noe how much capital is required
Jerry : simple pasta and western food
KC : have u been thinking abt this for long?
Jerry : i have many ideas lor
Jerry : this is just one of them
Jerry : i even plan to start an ice-cream biz
KC : must have lotsa $$
Jerry : i'll import ice-creams from all over the world and sell it ard my cafe
Jerry : how much do u noe?
KC : hehe
KC : l like ice-cream, that's all ;P
Jerry : i'll name it "winter cafe"
Jerry : i will have all the flavors
KC : sound corny!
Jerry : anything u wan, i will have it there
KC : haha
KC : so ambitious
Jerry : hey wat abt waffles?
Jerry : u like waffles?
KC : yeah
KC : i like cream
Jerry : i'll have a diy waffles machine there
KC : what else?
Jerry : u choose the flavor and make it yrself
KC : u need some skill lor
Jerry : i'll have diy machinery instead of staffs
Jerry : i need to employ engineer to run it instead
KC : sounds like factory
Jerry : it will be programmed to do certain things for different foods
Jerry : yeah tats wat makes it very interesting and unique
Jerry : sort of like charlie's chocolate factory
Jerry : u see how it is made, nothing is hidden or secret
Jerry : totally transparent & genuine
Jerry : satisfaction guaranteed, haha
Jerry : wat do u tink?
Jerry : Jerry's Winter Cafe
KC : i want a lemon sorbet
Jerry : sure u will choose one of my machines to do it for u
KC : with strawberry filling
Jerry : i will have 3 machines, one for waffles, one for ice-creams and another for drinks
KC : why not all in one machine?
Jerry : sure den u will have to enter $$$ into the ice-cream machine and direct it how u wan it
Jerry : coz there wud be heavy traffic lor
KC : will it be user-friendly?
Jerry : there'll be engineers there 24hrs
KC : guy engineers?
Jerry : i'll be the next willy wonka den
KC : will they be sexy?
Jerry : mayb i'll employ ite or poly grads
Jerry : boys or girls la
Jerry : up to them la, it not abt them, it abt the cafe
Jerry : the cafe itself will be brightly lighted and icy cool
KC : if it's sexy men, i'll go
Jerry : nah, i won't be selfish just for yr needs
Jerry : its for everyone remember, there'll be more kids than adults
Jerry : so how u like my idea?
KC : so there'll be an adult corner?
Jerry : just a cool bright room wif my machines, tats all
KC : ok
Jerry : the engineers will appear onli if the machines happen to mal-function or something
KC : how will they know?
KC : i'm feeling lousy
Jerry : i intend to have this cafe on the ground level of a shopping mall facing the outside
KC says:and your cafe is cheering me up
KC says:i want to go
KC says:al fresco?
Jerry : so tat way it can be opened 24hrs
Jerry : wow i just made this up u noe
Jerry : haha wow i can't believe it myself, haha
KC : i can
Jerry : sounds like a geniusplan
KC : yes it is
KC : can i ask u something crazy?
Jerry : the day Jerry's Winter Cafe hits the shopping malls of Singapore, i'll be famous,haha
Jerry : yes wat is it?
KC : do u want to have phone sex?!
Jerry : nah im having a slight headache actualli
KC : me too
Jerry : ok la nice chatting wif u den
KC : pardon the question, i'm just feeling a bit down
Jerry : hope u will patronise my cafe wen it hits the malls someday
KC : i will, no problem
KC : i will wait
Jerry : there'll surely be lots of kids & teens there
Jerry : hot spot for padofilles like yrself, haha
KC : how u know?
Jerry : its so obvious rite?
Jerry : y else wud u be keen on me den?
KC : u r paedophile too
KC : u r not a teen
Jerry : yea but i look like a teen wat
Jerry : dun i?
KC : no la
Jerry : i do la, everyone says i look 18,19yo
KC : and who said i like u?
KC says:
Jerry : den y u wan to have phonesex wif me den?
KC : i'm just feeling down
KC : and my bf's alseep
Jerry : 2 timer u
KC : i'm not
Jerry : take panadol and go and hug yr bf and sleep la
Jerry : and dream abt my cafe
KC : no
KC : i want to run naked down the street
Jerry : which street?
Jerry : wait u get arrested and sent to woodbridge
KC : bukit timah
Jerry : den u surely will
Jerry : 10 police cars will come after u wif reporters


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