Upgrades on Blue Demon
hellboy: hey
hellboy: how are u man
Jerry: Ravi?
hellboy: yeah forget me already is it...lol
Jerry: wat u doing now?
hellboy: at home
Jerry: u finished yr diploma in business?
hellboy: end of november i gradute
Jerry: ic
Jerry: den u working too?
hellboy: not yet finding job man
Jerry: ok
hellboy: wat about u?
Jerry: security lor
hellboy: at where.... where are u now
Jerry: at home
Jerry: im doing nite shift at bukit merah
hellboy: ok
hellboy: how much they paying
Jerry: $50 p/s
hellboy: ok y got allowance or not
Jerry: no im just doing relief
hellboy: ok y...
hellboy: any business plan yet
Jerry: business plan?
Jerry: u mean my blue demon?
Jerry: needs more planning
Jerry: hey how abt we design controversial shirts and sell them?
Jerry: i realised i shld have went into the arts stream
hellboy: can also not problem bro
Jerry: i tot of taking fashion design
hellboy: its a good idea
Jerry: den i wud design my own brand of goods and merchandise
Jerry: with blue demon logo
hellboy: actually tats a good plan... but we need cash to invest in it
Jerry: yup
hellboy: so where will we get tat
Jerry: have to save lor
hellboy: about how much then
Jerry: not sure
hellboy: we need alot cash for tat u know
Jerry: we just get a t-shirt printing company to do it lor
hellboy: can but the problem lies in the cash
Jerry: i tot of getting 77th street's Elim Chew to sponsor us
Jerry: u know 77th Street?
hellboy: do u know him personally
Jerry: its a she
Jerry: and she and my uncle are good frens
hellboy: ok y do u know her
Jerry: not too personally
hellboy: ok y so how are u going to do tat
Jerry: maybe go to her personally and talk to her lor
Jerry: or email her at her website
hellboy: ok y
hellboy: can give it a try
Jerry: we will merchandise the Blue Demon shop
Jerry: we can sell badges, stickers, t-shirts, mugs, etc
hellboy: ok y i c n help no prob.
Jerry: den we can set up a website as well
hellboy: can also have u tot about import and export
Jerry: den we can create jobs for ppl too like aspiring designer to send us their ideas and contest or competition wif prizes
Jerry: den we'll bring Blue Demon alive by making a story, comic, den finally animation
hellboy: tats a very good plan u got
Jerry: tats y i wan to get into the arts stream now
Jerry: so we can start designing and narrating
Jerry: i also tot of doing mass comm which wud help me in editing and designing skills
Jerry: i wud be the voice of Blue Demon himself wen the animation kicks in
hellboy: wow... damm cool
Jerry: maybe we cud get Jack Neo in for this production as well, it wud be really fun and esp blesphemious
Jerry: its going to be a controversial character of power and justice
hellboy: oky but we need to built the step up slowly and steadly
Jerry: it'll reflect how the world today has been scared by unseen and known mishaps and how Blue Demon wrecks havoc into their lives for the betterment of society and peace
hellboy: good
Jerry: u can see my use of english building up dramatically here
Jerry: have u seen my youtube channel?
Jerry: www.youtube.com/lhoso
hellboy: cool... yeah i seen it last time
Jerry: check it out, esp those whom i've subscribed to
Jerry: particularly Patcondell
Jerry: yr english will surely improve
Jerry: but my ideas are just as fabulous as my use of english
hellboy: u are doing diploma in tat is it
Jerry: yup LCCI Diploma in Accounting
Jerry: still going on, last module
hellboy: ok y wat about the english thingy
Jerry: wat u mean?
Jerry: we shld work wif aspiring youngsters too u know
Jerry: they might be good at it and bring Blue Demon to life
Jerry: we cud just sell our fabulous idea to Elim Chew 1st and patent it and den earn royalties from the sales of the merchandises
Jerry: we can have a subsidairy company under her company 77th Street
Jerry: a project brought to u by 77th Street
hellboy: can also
Jerry: this way we have a fall back, safety net
Jerry: 77th Street will always be there to back us up
Jerry: they sponsor us and we run the show huh?
Jerry: we can start working like pros man
Jerry: i have another idea of Con-T as well
Jerry: a series of shirts wif controversial msgs written on them artistically
hellboy: and wats tat
Jerry: t-shirts
Jerry: wif pics as well
hellboy: ok y i have seen those type in citylink mall at city hall
Jerry: den maybe we can get Harry's Pub to open Dando Cafe for us as well
Jerry: my bro is working at Harry's Bar now
Jerry: u wanna join him?
Jerry: btw Dando Cafe is another one of my ideas
hellboy: but its not easy to open up in singapore
Jerry: Dando Cafe serves american and mexican food
Jerry: we get a parent established one to sponsor us as their subsidairy
Jerry: for example like Harry's Bar
hellboy: but we must be really good in the presentation bro
Jerry: or any other related established cafes
hellboy: ok
Jerry: of course tats all in the professionalism of the chef bro
hellboy: ok
Jerry: we cud be having it all free man, livin da vida loca
Jerry: den i also plan to have my own security firm, Semsonic Security
hellboy: tat is if we are lucky enough....
Jerry: Semsonic Security uses the most sophisticated gadgets for the ultimate in security services
hellboy: can also i know those type of gadget which are cool
Jerry: Semsonic Security makes securtiy work fun and convenient
Jerry: ppl wud be dying to hire or work for me
hellboy: yeah... tats rite
Jerry: i might very well turn into a magnate soon enough
Jerry: magnate = a rich and famous business man
Jerry: and lastly, Zen Models
hellboy: ok
Jerry: i hire youngsters for modelling for Blue Demon merchandises and hiring and other fashion marketing purposes
Jerry: it wud be regional and international as well
Jerry: oh ya lastly, the Blue Demon Pub
hellboy: ok good plans and ideas
Jerry: hardcore metal pub with the head of Blue Demon at the entrance, wicked hardcore metal
Jerry: there's trance, psycadellic, industrial, death metal, grunge, etc
Jerry: (((burn in hell))) i wud be breathing at the mic, hahahaha......
hellboy: ok y we will start from the beinging
Jerry: wat u need to know?
hellboy: how are we starting it
Jerry: we need to talk to elim chew 1st
hellboy: o ky when will tat be
Jerry: tell her abt our wonderful idea of Blue Demon, something the teens wud love
Jerry: im not sure wen i have the time
Jerry: maybe i'll send her an email soon
hellboy: oky